Frequently asked questions

How many Happy Hippo Doodles are there?

Only 10000 genesis Happy Hippo Doodles will ever exist.

When is Happy Hippo Doodles launching? When can I mint?


Where can we mint?

On the official website on the 👉Mint Page.

How much will it cost to mint?


How many can I mint?


Why ETH?

ETH has more visibility and with the future migration to the ETH 2.0 Protocol, ETH has the potential to be the number one cryptocurrency.

Which markets will it be available in?


When is the Reveal?


Holders benefit? What will happen next? What Utility is offered to Holders?

Yes, holders have many benefits when being an Hippo holder.👉See our Roadmap

What is the Smart Contract address for Happy Hippo Doodles?


What are the rarity levels for the Happy Hippo Doodles?


I want to help, what can I do? Still have more questions?

Head to our 👉Discord to learn more about the project, meet our community, and ask any questions!

Last updated